Friday, May 28, 2010

suitcase under my bed

When i got home I unpacked everything and laid it out on a table in my room. then i left the next day for another part of the country. I came home it sat there for a week, then needing to clean my room i packed the memories, the receipts, the tickets stubs, the letters, my life in milan into a green retro suitcase and put it under my bed. I put out some things i brought back from my travels in europe onto my bookshelf near my pieces of artwork. When i was a little girl i dreamed of having a small house with souvenirs from all over the world mixed in with pieces of my artwork. I never knew that those objects could represent so much, not just one weekend at carnivale in a mask or one night having dinner with alaina on my balcony but they represent a whole part of my life. One that is temporarily stored under my bed, waiting for what i lived to become art.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I pledge allegiance to one

I am not one to be anymore deceived
by the lies i have long since believed
I am part of this beautiful creation
I am the daughter, of many, not one nation
therefore it is my duty, no my privilege
to love each man woman and child
to love each creature tame or wild
to love the plants and trees
that give me the air we breathe
I am a beautiful creation and so is our earth
yes this land does not belong to just me or you
it does not belong only to those before us or those after us
yet we must take pride in working it
we must take pride in caring for it
because it is ours, each person has a stake in what we claim
each person no matter the nationality or name
is apart of our land and we are apart of theirs
for we are one people one earth under God indivisible with love for all.