Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Plan B - a hipster coffeeshop

through old doors, im the only one here it seems
im pretty sure you're open but this look of absence
makes me for a minute question

why the menu overhead is too small to read
without my glasses
where are they anyway buried 6 feet under
the necessary contents I must carry with me at all times
called a leather bag full of

money, books, paper I accumulate from places like this
or museums I may not even enter

into the galleries of colorful cranes in drab cityscapes
yet the artist probably lives here
we criticize exactly what we are.

latte cubano is the final choice
cinnamon and honey in it or was it brown sugar
you taste it at the end
first it seems like the regular but maybe more well put together
but then the aftertaste, its there but i can't identify

plan b
the couches disheveled
i can identify with these
houses entered the last four years

"we feed the highracks"
"whats it like?" -im yearning to hear
a full explanation of their habits, social tendencies, and eating patterns
"whats it like? like a goat?"
do they not know how to feed themselves
have they not survived before us
maybe thats it we are compensating
for who we are and how that has effected everything around.

worth 3.25?
but a good try.
but aside from product the presence
I guess makes up

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