Monday, November 3, 2008

A perfect day in holland

The bells toll
it is midday
the warm sun is a cozy blanket
on this breezy fall day
the sunshine illuminates the tree leaves
in a variety of amber crimson and goldenrod colors
I watch those who pass from here to there
as I rythmically rock back in forth in my chair.
It is a brillant display of God's goodness
and the unbelievable beauty
makes it seem as though
this landscape of light and color
was like so many paintings i had seen before
beautiful but not real.
Not so with this day.
This day I am soaking in the majesty of creation
A squirrel peeps his head up
with his two front paws on the front step
he looks at me for a minute or two
as if to say hello
and then scampers away
I look up and see him.
He is walking across the the leaf cover earth
My smile is for the day
My heart smiles for him.
Everything seems as it should be.
A perfect day in Holland.

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