Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

I recently read this and it resonated with me. The author was talking about goals he set in high school and I thought about my goals of playing volleyball in college, traveling to europe, becoming an artist, etc. Yet it is what those experiences help me become not just doing those things that give me satisfaction.

"Doing is usually connected with a vocation or career, how we make a living. Being is much deeper. It relates to character, who we are, and how we make a life. Doing is tied in closely with activity, accomplishments, and tangible things---like salary, prestige, involvements, roles, and trophies. Being, on the other hand, has more to do with intangibles, the kind of people we become down inside, much of which can't be measured by objective yardsticks and impressive awards. But of the two, being will ultimately outdistance doing every time. It may take half a lifetime to perfect . . . but hands down, it's far more valuable. And lasting. And inspiring."

I am slowly, very slowly becoming who I want to be and each day also deciding what I don't want to be.
I want to be a woman after God's own heart. I want to be a woman of class: a woman who respects herself and others and a woman who makes people feel comfortable in her presence. I want to be an intelligent woman who is humble.. I want to be a talented artist and intriguing writer.
I want to live a healthy lifestyle. I want to be a woman who loves purely and genuinely.

Proverbs 31 is a verse in the bible that kind of elaborates on this, it is sad but also inspiring:
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

It is sad that virtuous woman are so rare but what a wonderful thing to aspire to.

Someday I hope to be this woman, with God's help.

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