Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hope for the Indebted

I am in debt
I am indebted to so many people
I do not tithe now
how do I think that when it comes time for me to pay back my debt that I will tithe then
money will be even tighter
I think back to high school
how i spent so much money
how if i saved more worked more
i would be so much better off now
so i must apply that lesson to my life now
I need to work now
because when i leave school
I will be even more worse off
in 2 years
I will have no home
in 2 years
i will have to buy my own food
In 2 years
I will have to buy things for my house
take care of all my needs
be independent
In 2 years
In 2 years
will I tithe then when i am worse off
if i do not discipline myself now?
whose money is it anyways. Gods.
I am so blessed
live under my means
give your money your life to God
Give everything you own to God
your relationships
your time
your thoughts
It is all His.
I am His.
I can find comfort in that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful. I love this. there are so many disciplines in life that seem rudimentary at first glance. but when we look deeper, we find that there is explicit purpose behind act.

cheers my dear.
