Thursday, January 1, 2009

Finding pure joy in everyday things

Last night I saw the curious case of benjamin button and it made me think about a lot of things.
One part he said I was getting paid to do something I would have done for free. However he was scrubbing the bird poop off the deck of a grungy tug boat. See he just wanted to experience life, the good, the bad, the new. He saw it all took it all in. This is in a way how I wish to experience life. I want to do so many things just to experience life fully. I am not talking about the usual things people want to do before they die like bungee jump or sky dive or travel the world, even thought I would love to do adventurous things and they are a part of it. However what I am talking about is waking up and living in each moment of your life. Truly stopping to feel the sun's warmth on your face, stepping outside and filling your lungs with cold winter air, exhaling to see your breath, appreciate a slow walk across a wooden floor with your bare feet, the smell of air. I want to appreciate not just the comfortable things or good things in my life but I want to appreciate some things that I see as the bad things as well...cause it is all apart of life. I don't want to appreciate sin that is not what I am talking about but jobs or things that others would look down on or turn away in disgust I want to find the joy in it. Just pure joy in getting to experience life to the fullest.

Last night on the way to the movie I saw Venus shining brightly underneath the moon. At first I saw it all as flat a crescent shaped moon and a planet that looks just to be like a star....but then I truly comprehended the enormity of it. I saw the gray part of the rest of the moon the part that wasn't lit up and I could then picture it as a sphere in the sky but not just in the sky....I imagined all of space and then i looked past the moon not under it but past it and saw Venus. I pondered how a huge planet made of rock could look so bright. It was because of the sun's reflection I know but that bright, brighter than any diamond. It was a gorgeous stone set against the velvet blue black of the sky. I felt small in relation to everything but I actually enjoyed the feeling. It gave me a small glimpse at the magnitude of God. He has all of it in His hands. I was speechless.

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